How many teenager are diagonosed as depressed?

what is the best answer to
how many were
by alasam

Question by :)helpyouforhelpinreturn:): How many teenager are diagonosed as depressed?
How many teenager are diagonosed as depressed? and how many are depressed? 16 year old. female?

Best answer:

Answer by kimberly c
I'm not sure but I'm sure it's high, I'm 25 now but when I was a teenager I was very depressed and it seems like it was always pressure to have the best car and clothes and house, teenage years are the hardest it's like your parents are always yelling you, trying to work and make good grades, and fit in with the cool crowd but then when you grow up you realize none of that crap matters, life goes on I love getting older and having a son.

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