Success in cake-making depends on careful combining of ingredients, accurate measurements and careful baking. To make cake light and close in texture, thorough beating is necessary.

BakingSmall and layer cakes require a hot oven for 10 to 20 minutes.

Loaf cakes need a moderate oven from 40 to 60 minutes. In the beginning the oven should be hot enough to cause the cake to rise and then to form a crust which holds the gases. When the cake has risen to its full height decrease the heat so that the cake may finish baking without becoming too brown. If the oven is too hot at first a crust will be formed before the cake is risen. If not hot enough, gas will not be retained in the cake. Either of these conditions will make the cake heavy.

Testing—The cake is baked if, when pressed lightly upon the top in the middle, it springs back again. It usually shrinks from the sides of the pan. A deep cake may be tested with a clean straw.

Methods of work—First grease and flour the pans. Collect all materials and utensils needed and make sure that the oven will be ready. Do this before combining any materials.


a good deal about "Pre-Natal Care"—the care of the mother before her child is born—and we all agree that a healthy and happy mother is the one to have the best babies.


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