Never throw away the feet of a fowl as they are excellent for making soups, broths and jellies. You can buy extra feet from the butcher. Dip them in boiling water for a few seconds and they may be readily skinned. Boil with the chicken until they fall to pieces, then strain the broth.

Before baking potatoes let them stand in hot water for fifteen minutes. They will require only half the time to bake.

Pour boiling water on oranges and let them stand for five minutes. This will make the white lining come away from the skin and they will be easier to prepare for a pudding.


is painful as well as costly and frequently dangerous. Many women have avoided this experience by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in time, thereby relieving the present distress and preventing the development of conditions that might require an operation.


"I suffered from the time I was a schoolgirl until I had taken your medicine with pain in my left side and with cramps, growing worse each year until I was all rundown. I was so bad at times that I was unfit for work. I tried several doctors and patent medicines but was only relieved for a short time. Some of the doctors wanted to have an operation, but my father objected. Finally I learned through my mother of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and how thankful I am that I tried it. I am relieved from pains and cramps and feel as if it has saved my life. You may use my letter to help other women, as I am glad to recommend the medicine."