What is Fear, and What Do I Do With It?

The only reason why any fearful feeling, thought or image feels scary is because we have not looked it in the ‘eye’ yet. As soon as we allow ourselves to look at it we see that there is nothing to be afraid of. We see it was just an assumption that was holding us back from going deeper and keeping our heart open. The human survival mechanism is built to keep telling us to expect the worst. It is always on the fence when it comes to bringing awareness to deeper parts of ourselves, and diving into the unknown feelings of our personal, cellular or collective memory. We find ourselves running from whatever feels unfamiliar or more intense than we are used to, and with doing that we cut ourselves off from a huge part of life, enormous vitality within us.

Yet, every moment is a new choice, and breath reminds us of that. We can learn to change our breathing pattern to one that helps us let go, and open.

In Shamanic Breath of Love practice we teach our body to let go of triggers and neurophysiologic impulses. As a result our body and energy field learn to open and relax. We send a message of safety to our limbic and nervous system, and find a way to liberateourselves from the prison of the flight or fight response.

In Shamanic Breath of Love the breath learns to assist us with making peace with all manifestations of Life. It teaches our body to allow pure consciousness override the old habits of resistance, and it brings up courage to face all fears and doubts as they surface from our subconscious during the breath journey.

This kind of breathwork reprograms our mind and psyche, and alters the habitual thoughts of fear into the conscious choice of Love. It opens us to the wholeness of our being and helps us embrace everything that has felt separate. It shows us that no matter how ugly, scary or terrifying any part of us might seem it’s just another unmet energy. It is just another piece of Unknown that wants to be known. It is just another expression of Love. It is the same Source energy, same pervading light that also joy and laughter are born from.

Even if we don’t understand these words rationally, and most likely we don’t because it cannot be grasped by the mind, there is something in our hearts that listens and wants to embrace this loud and scary roar of denied energy. Our hearts trust. Our inner knowing listens. Our Spirit bows in humble reverence to all creation. When we surrender to the Spirit, it embraces even the loneliest and abandoned roars of our subconscious.

Our Light radiates into them with no resistance, with effortless strength, and as long as we trust and surrender to it, we experience its beautiful flame.

The Light that we are is always here and is always waiting for more opportunities to love and expand through our human experience. Our Self is always looking for a next opportunity to flood our bodies with its Love, Clarity and Strength.

Sometimes it feels as if our light faded, or our inner knowing became unclear. It can seem so, yet in truth it is only our attention that can fade in and out of the clarity and love of our Being. It is only the matter of where we put our attention. Do we let it rest in our heart, or we give our energy to the thoughts of conditioning, experiences of the past, and fears of the future.

The peace that is really available to us through a direct experience of surrender together with Breathwork is much more than anything we could ever imagine, much deeper than any word or understanding can give. It is Love that consumes our every cell. It diminishes the illusion of separation bringing us into the oneness with each other and the world. The more we open to surrender, and let breath assist us in that, the more we begin to feel that there is nothing left from the old “me”…no more old stories or struggles.

That’s why Breath of Love often can feel like death to the ego or our old personality. Yet, if it is a death of anything, it is a death of illusion of fear. It is a cessation of who we thought ourselves to be, and realization that the Self is significantly more powerful and real than anything our minds alone could conjure. We are much bigger than anything we could ever think or ask for.

Breath (especially in the Breath of Love work) is a doorway to Inner Fulfillment

The integration of our individual mind, physical body and higher Self is much simpler than we have been taught. It doesn’t require hard practices, or understanding complicated theories. All it needs is our attention, intention, and surrender to our inherent wholeness.
We have had a habit of searching outside of ourselves yet in doing that we have been overlooking the truth: what we have been looking for has been within us all along.

Although recognizing the truth is simple, it is not always easy. It takes courage to truly stop the familiar surface notions of our fears and beliefs, and take a leap of faith within, into the depth and breath of the Unknown. Yet, once we take this leap there is no end to the gifts that we start becoming aware of. We open to the unlimited fulfillment and wisdom within, and the more we allow ourselves to be lost in it through breathwork processes, the more its glow will take us over in our every day life. We will see and experience the perfection in every single moment and allow it to act and live through us freely and fully.

read more at www.breathoflove.org

Julia Mikk
Shamanic Breath of Love Journeys.
Inner transformation beyond anything you have ever experienced.

Julia Mikk

Julia Mikk from Estonia, is a qualified breathworker certified by One Sky International Life Skills and Healing Arts Institute and Rebirthing Breathwork International. Her powerful approach to breathwork reflects her deep opening through the teachings of Gangaji, and trainings with many breathwork pioneers including the founder of Rebirthing, Leonard Orr. In her “Breath of Love” practice Julia is teaching breathing as a powerful tool for health, growth and change. Together with her powerful intuitive presence, sessions with her evoke the experience of one’s true nature, bliss, and inherent limitless potential.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/spirituality-articles/what-is-fear-and-what-do-i-do-with-it-769772.html