Early Childhood Education in Psychomotor Development

Importance of Early Childhood Education in Psychomotor Development

It is very important to note that the movement is the first manifestation in human life, for from intrauterine life to realize our body movements, which will be structured and exerted enormous influence on behavior. 

From this concept and through our practice in the school context, we consider the psychomotor is a rich tool that helps us to promote prevention and intervention, providing satisfactory results in difficult situations in the teaching-learning process. 

In Asuncion & Coelho (1997, p.108) the psychomotricity is "education movement acting on the intellect, a relationship between thought and action, involving neurophysiological and psychological functions." It also has a dual purpose: "to ensure the functional development, taking into account the possibilities of the child, and help your affectivity to expand and balance, through exchange with the human environment." 

The movements express what we feel, our thoughts and attitudes that are often stored in our unconscious. The body structures with a positive attitude about herself and others, in order to preserve physical and mental efficiency, developing body scheme and featuring a variety of movements. 

Through the action on the physical environment with the social environment and interaction as social environment, processes and the development of human learning. It is a complex process in which the combination of biological, psychological and social, it produces qualitative changes. For this development involves learning of various types, expanding and deepening the individual experience.

The teacher must always be aware of the stages of student development, putting themselves in the position of facilitator of learning and trampling his work on mutual respect, trust and affection. 
He must establish a relationship with her ​​students help, attentive to the attitudes of those who aid and for the perception of who is helped. 

Thus, we see the importance of the work in the psychomotor teaching-learning process, because it is intimately linked to affective aspects with movement, with the symbolic and cognitive. 
According to Assumption & Coelho (1997, p 108) the psicomotrocidade integrates several techniques with which you can work your body (all parts), relating it with affection, thought and intelligence level. It focuses on the unity of movement education, while it brings into play the intellectual functions. The first evidence of a normal mental development are purely motor manifestations. 

Given this vision, motor activities in children's lives play a major role in many intellectuals of his first initiatives. While exploring the world around it with all the senses, he sees the media as well which will make most of their social contacts. 
Therefore, psychomotor education at school age should be above all an active experience, where the child is confronted with the environment. The education provided by parents and the school, is not intended to teach the child motor behavior, but to exercise an adjustment function individually or in groups. 

The activities of the group favoring integration and socialization of children with the group, therefore provides the development of both mental and motor. The movements, expressions, bodily gestures, as well as its usability (dances, games, sports ...), receive special emphasis in our physiological and psychological development. 

Based on this context, we realize the importance of motor activities in education because they contribute to the overall development of children. However, children go through different phases of the other and each phase requires activities conducive for each particular age group. 
The psychomotor needs to be frowned upon by the professional education because it is helping the motor and intellectual development of the student, and the body and mind are integrated elements of their training.