2 cups bread crumbs
4 cups of milk (or 2 of water
and 2 of evaporated milk)
2 squares chocolate
⅔ cup sugar
1 salt spoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Method —Soak bread crumbs in milk until soft. Melt the chocolate over hot water and add the sugar to it. Beat eggs well and add with the remaining ingredients to the crumbs and milk. Mix well and bake in a buttered pudding-dish in a moderate oven, until thick and firm. A Meringue (see page 23) of egg white and sugar may be spread over the top about 15 minutes before it is done, or it can be served with cream, hard, or foamy sauce.
Hard Sauce—⅓ cup butter, 1 cup powdered sugar, ⅓ teaspoon lemon extract, ⅔ teaspoon vanilla. Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and flavoring.
or 'pep' makes a woman feel old while she is yet young in years and general appearance.
"I had no disease only I felt tired and had headache very often and thought I needed a tonic, so I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and the Liver Pills. I am now on the third bottle and have not had headache for over two weeks. Of course I have not had any serious trouble at all."