Finding the Perfect Job in Nigeria

Looking for a job in Nigeria has to be one of the most humbling and often exhausting experiences we go through. Average Nigeria person goes through 5 career changes in a lifetime - not just a job change, but a career change. In addition, the average job search in Nigeria for a professional or manager is three to six months. That is a lot of transition and a lot of time trying to perfect theNigerian job search process. Below are keys to finding the right job in Nigeria for you.
Discover your Life Purpose. For most Nigeria Job seekers, this does sound like a tall order but this is your job we are talking about. Spend your time doing something you love and doing something that fits with who you are? As a career writer, I find that the most fulfilling aspect of any job is to unite who they are with what they do. When these two forces come together, the results can be astounding. Many people go to work each day wishing they were doing something else, feeling unfulfilled, and feeling as though they are not reaching the level of success they are capable of. All of those feelings can be traced back to the idea of life purpose and the importance of finding a way to fulfill it through your work. The clearer people are about their life purpose, the more likely they are to experience success and fulfillment in their lives.

So the question becomes, how does one discover their life purpose?
There are many books and programs that can guide you in the process but for a short exercise Marcia Bench, founder and director of Career Coach Institute, offers 10 clues to discovering your life purpose.

1. What do you love to do, whether in your spare time or at a work?

2. What parts of your present job or life activities do you thoroughly enjoy?

3. What do you naturally do well?

4. What are your ten greatest successes to date (in your eyes)?

5. Is there a cause about which you feel passionate?

6. What are the 10 most important lessons you have learned in your life?

7. Are there some issues or perceived problems that have occurred over and over again for you?

8. What do you daydream about doing?

9. Imagine you are writing your epitaph. What things do you want to be remembered for at the end of your life?

10. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

The clues take time to answer and though they may not tell you exactly what you should do in your next job, if you are true to yourself in answering them, it is very likely that you will discover one or two themes emerging and the exercise will provide you with a bit of insight before you take your next career step.