Collar a Breast of Mutton
To Collar a Breast of MUTTON.Take a breast of mutton, bone it, and season it with nutmeg, pepper andsalt, rub it over with the yolk of an egg; make a little forc'd-meat ofveal or mutton, chop it with a little beef-suet, a few bread-crumbs,sweet herbs, an onion, pepper and salt, a little nutmeg, two eggs, anda spoonful or two of cream; mix all together and lay it over themutton, roll it up and bind it about with course inkle; put it into anearthen dish with a little water, dridge it over with flour, and layupon it a little butter; it will require two hours to bake it. When itis enough take up the gravy, skim off the fat, put in an anchovy and aspoonful of catchup, thicken it with flour and butter; take the inklefrom the mutton and cut it into three or four rolls; pour the sauceupon the dish, and lay about it forc'd-meat-balls. Garnish your dishwith pickles.
How to,
How to Cook