How to boil a Turkey

How to boil a TURKEY.When your turkey is dress'd and drawn, truss her, cut off her feet,take down the breast-bone with a knife, and sew up the skin again;stuff the breast with a white stuffing._How to make the_ Stuffing. Take the sweet-bread of veal, boil it,shred it fine, with a little beef-suet, a handful of bread-crumbs, alittle lemon-peel, part of the liver, a spoonful or two of cream, withnutmeg, pepper, salt, and two eggs, mix all together, and stuff yourturkey with part of the stuffing, (the rest you may either boil or fryto lay round it) dridge it with a little flour, tie it up in a cloth,and boil it with milk and water: If it be a young turkey an hour willboil it._How to make Sauce for the_ Turkey. Take a little small white gravy, apint of oysters, two or three spoonfuls of cream, a little juice oflemon, and salt to your taste, thicken it up with flour and butter,then pour it over your turkey, and serve it up; lay round your turkeyfry'd oysters, and the forc'd-meat. Garnish your dish with oysters,mushrooms, and slices of lemon.