The Tropical Rainforest is the earth's most complex ecosystem. The tropical rain forests are forests with tall tress, warm climate, and lots of rain It is characterized by abundant of precipitation and year round warmth. According to Wikipedia "A Tropical rainforest is a tropic ecosystem and are usually found around the equator. They are common in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, and Southern Mexico and on many of the Pacific Islands"
The tropical rain forest is a hot, humid forest biome near the equator, with much rainfall and a wide variety of organisms. Temperature in the tropical rain forest is always warm and rain falls year round Benefits of tropical Rain forest
Features/characteristics of the Tropical Rain Forest
1. The tropical rain forest lie in the tropics
2. The rain forests receive at least 80 inches of rain every year
3. The tropical rain forest has a canopy formed by ranches and leaves of trees in the forest.
4. There is a very high level of biological diversity in the tropical rain forest.
5. Great symbiotic relationship exists in the tropical rain forest.
Facts about the tropical Rain forest
- The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon rainforest.
- Amazon rainforests produce about 40% of the world's oxygen
- One in four pharmaceuticals comes from a plant in the tropical rainforests
- 1400 rainforest plants are believed to offer cures for cancer
- 40% of tropical rainforests have already been lost in Latin America and Southeast Asia
Important Facts about the Tropical Rain Forest
Despite covering only 2% of our planet's surface, over half of the earth's animal, insect species, and flora live there.
Within a four mile square area of a tropical rainforest, you would find:
- Over 750 species of trees
- 1500 different kinds of flowering plants
- 125 species of mammals
- 400 species of birds
- 100 reptiles
- 60 amphibians
- countless insects
- 150 species of butterflies **Only 1% of these species has ever been studied**
Source: -
Important quote on Tropical Rain Forest
-"My personal love of the tropical forest is older than my realization of their scientific importance. It started when I lived for six months in the cathedral-like splendor of the forests of the upper Iriri in central Brazil, a shadowy world of great beauty without direct sunlight. That was then a region unexplored by Western man, teeming with wildlife, where you could push through dense undergrowth to broad rivers that had never been seen by any non-Indian.. More recently, on the Maraca Rainforest Project at the northern edge of the Amazon basin, I witnessed the amazing wealth of another uninhabited and undisturbed forest. We found several hundred species of creatures new to science - and indication of the amazing genetic wealth that remains to be discovered, and a reminder of the need to protect all types of forest. To protect the forests, we must protect the tribal people who have evolved a way of life in sustainable harmony with their habitat. I have studied the tragic history of countless tribes that have fought and suffered and are now extinct. During the two years that I have worked with Brazilian Indians, I have experienced the absolute quiet of sleeping in communal huts, fishing with Mehinaku, trying to keep up with walking Chavante, and the idyllic life in an Asurini village. Their struggle for survival must become our struggle too."- John Hemming - Director and Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society in London
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Features of Tropical Rainforest