Find Out Top Reasons Why We Cook Rice


One of the readers of this website asked thy reason why we cook rice.  The same reason why we cook food in general is also applicable to reasons for cooking rice.

 There are many reasons why we cook rice. Below are reasons why we cook rice.

Food like Rice cannot be consumed without cooking.  The main Reason why we cook rice are listed below:

 1.       To Soften it.  Uncooked rice is usually hard.  It will be very difficult for one to chew uncooked rice.  Raw rice has to be cooked before it can be chewed and swallowed.

2.       It is not safe to eat uncooked rice.  One can easily get infected with microorganisms like bacteria by eating uncooked rice.

3.       Raw Rice cannot be digested.  Uncooked rice cannot be digested. One main reason why we cook rice is to enhance digestion.  Cooking rice makes it possible for digestive enzymes to act on it.

4.       Cooking rice makes it Edible.  Without cooking rice, it will not be pleasant to taste.  One reason why we should cook rice is to make it tasty and thus edible to eat.