How to Make Onion Soop | How to Make Delisious Onion Soup
Take four or five large onions, pill and boil them in milk and waterwhilst tender, (shifting them two or three times in the boiling) beat'em in a marble mortar to a pulp, and rub them thro' a hair-sieve, andput them into a little sweet gravy; then fry a few slices of veal, andtwo or three slices of lean bacon; beat them in a marble mortar assmall as forc'd-meat; put it into your stew-pan with the gravy andonions, and boil them; mix a spoonful of wheat-flour with a littlewater, and put it into the soop to keep it from running; strain allthrough a cullender, season it to your taste; then put into the dish alittle spinage stew'd in butter, and a little crisp bread; so serve itup.
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How to Cook