Take a neck of mutton, and a knuckle of veal, make of them a littlegood gravy; then take half a peck of the greenest young peas, boil andbeat them to a pulp in a marble mortar; then put to them a little ofthe gravy; strain them through a hair sieve to take out all the pulp;put all together, with a little salt and whole pepper; then boil it alittle, and if you think the soop not green enough, boil a handful ofspinage very tender, rub it through a hair-sieve, and put into the soopwith one spoonful of wheat-flour, to keep it from running: You must notlet it boil after the spinage is put in, it will discolour it; then cutwhite bread in little diamonds, fry them in butter while crisp, and putit into a dish, with a few whole peas. Garnish your dish with creedrice, and red beet-root.You may make asparagus-soop the same way, only add tops of asparagus,instead of whole pease.