Importance of Information Technology

Benefits or Importance of Information Technology

Few years ago, I wrote an article on Importance of Networking Computers.  Today, I will be writing on Benefits/Importance of Information Technology to Man.

Information technology also know as IT is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications.

The term Ïnformation Technology in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review, in which authors Leavitt and Whisler commented that "the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology (IT).  Some of the modern and emerging fields of Information technology are next generation web technologies, bioinformatics, cloud computing, global information systems, large scale knowledgebases, etc.

The importance of infromation technology are quite much.  It is only a lay man that will say that information technology is not important to man.  Let us now look at a number of benefits or importance of Information technology to man.

Importance of Information Technology to Business
The benefits of Information Technology to businesses can not be too stressed.  Today, many businesses around the world now enjouy numerous benefits from IT.  A case study or rather an example of this is seen in the development of online shopping websites for businesses.  Today, you can just buy from the confort of your home with just a click of a mouse.

Without Information Technology, there will be no Automation.  Automation of many business today depends on Information Technology.  Today, alot of businesses are utilizing such automation to increase production.

Importance of information technology in Business management cannot be overemphasised. With information technology, business  managers can benefit from computer packages and the electronically stored vital information. With just a single click of the mouse, they can have the access to usefull information in front of their laptop or computer screen.

Information Technology software applications and the hardware devices are known to be the main elements or components  of the use of information technology. The web browsers ranging from chrome, opera, etc, the operating systems ranging from dox to windows 77 , etc and special purpose applications are the software which are used in information technology.
