Types of violence committed within the school.
Violence against property - This type of school violence is against the physical school. "It is against the very building that turn pre-teens and teenagers, who are obliged to pass this place eight or nine hours a day." Colombie et al. (1989)
Violence at home - is the violence perpetrated by family members or persons connected directly to the daily intercourse of adolescents.
Violence symbols - Violence has on the school when the student cancels the ability to think and makes him or she unable to reproduce."Symbolic violence is the most difficult to be perceived ... because it is exercised by society when it is not able to send their youth to the labor market, when it offers them opportunities to develop creative and leisure activities, when schools impose contents devoid of interest and meaning to the lives of students, or when teachers refuse to provide sufficient explanations, leaving students to their own devices, demeaning them with words and attitudes of unworthiness. " (ABRAMOVAY; STREET, 2002, p.335) symbolic violence can also be against the teacher when it is attacked in his work by indifference and disinterest of the student. ABRAMOVAY; STREET (2002)
Physical violence - "Fighting, beat, kill, kill, rape, robbery, assault, shooting, beating, beating, nigga bleeding, have war with someone, go armed, and also participate in the activities of guangues" ABRAMOVAY et al. (1999)