Ho to Make Olives of Beef

Take some slices of a rump (or any other tender piece) of beef, andbeat them with a paste pin, season them with nutmeg, pepper and salt,and rub them over with the yolk of an egg; make a little forc'd-meat ofveal, beef-suet, a few bread crumbs, sweet-herbs, a little shred mace,pepper, salt, and two eggs, mixed all together; take two or threeslices of the beef, according as they are in bigness, and a lump offorc'd-meat the size of an egg; lay your beef round it, and roll it inpart of a kell of veal, put it into an earthen dish, with a littlewater, a glass of claret, and a little onion shred small; lay upon thema little butter, and bake them in an oven about an hour; when they comeout take off the fat, and thicken the gravy with a little butter andflour; six of them is enough for a side dish. Garnish the dish withhorseradish and pickles.You may make olives of veal the same way.