Take a fat rump of young beef and cut off the fag end, lard the lowpart with fat bacon, and stuff the other part with shred parsley; putit into your pan with two or three quarts of water, a quart of Claret,two or three anchovies, an onion, two or three blades of mace, a littlewhole pepper, and a bunch of sweet herbs; stew it over a slow fire fiveor six hours, turning it several times in the stewing, and keep itclose cover'd; when your beef is enough take from it the gravy, thickenpart of it with a lump of butter and flour, and put it upon the dishwith the beef. Garnish the dish with horse-radish and red-beet root.There must be no salt upon the beef, only salt the gravy to your taste.You may stew part of a brisket, or an ox cheek the same way.