How to Make Soop or Soup without Water

Take a small leg of mutton, cut it in slices, season it with a littlepepper and salt; cut three middling turnips in round pieces, and threesmall carrots scrap'd and cut in pieces, a handful of spinage, a littleparsley, a bunch of sweet herbs, and two or three cabbage lettice; cutthe herbs pretty small, lay a row of meat and a row of herbs; put theturnips and carrots at the bottom of the pot, with an onion, lay at thetop half a pound of sweet butter, and close up the pot with coarsepaste; them put the pot into boiling water, and let it boil for fourhours; or in a slow oven, and let it stand all night; when it is enoughdrain the gravy from the meat, skim off the fat, then put it into yourdish with some toasts of bread, and a little stew'd spinage; to serveit up.